Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Raw Review: 3 June, 2013 - The Daniel Bryan Show

There's been quite a few shows which I would consider Daniel Bryan Show's since the No man's debut. The infamous post WrestleMania Raw in 2012, a good few Smackdown's while he was World Heavyweight champion, and a few other ones that consisted of Bryan at his best. 

Last night was one of those shows for Daniel Bryan. The first hour saw him compete in a fun 6-Man Tag Team match against The Shield, the second hour consisted of some good backstage segments, and the third hour saw Bryan compete for a second time in one night when he faced Ryback in a very good match. 

It's been a great dynamic over the past couple of weeks seeing Daniel Bryan show the heart of a fiery babyface, while tempting a heel turn at the same time. It's the kind of dynamic that's great to see. Most fans can tell what they want certain wrestlers to be, but it Bryan there's been a divide on whether he should remain a face or turn heel, because frankly  he can do both extremely well. 

We saw that this week as well. His gutsy performance against The Shield showed a face that was very over with the crowd, while his backstage segments showed a more serious and temperamental side of Bryan that would suit him very well as a heel. 

As someone who's favourite wrestler is Daniel Bryan, seeing him get this much attention made the entire show look better than it probably was. 

The only other enjoyable part of the show was seeing Stephanie inside a WWE ring again. It wasn't anything special, but I always enjoy seeing her. The segment itself was fine though, although you have to wonder why she allowed the announcement that Triple H would be competing in the first place. I mean, she's producer of the show (or something along those lines), why not just remove the graphic advertising his return to the ring? Anyway, it's no big deal... at all. This is just something I picked up on throughout the show last night.

You also have to wonder why they had The Shield come out in the way that they did. Before the commercial break it looked like they had something to say to the two McMahon's inside the ring, but when it came back from the break it was just The Shield inside the ring by themselves, waiting for their match to begin. Seriously, talk about anti-climatic. 

As for the stuff featuring Triple H, I thought the opening part of this storyline was pretty good. People will roll their eyes at Triple H getting a storyline like this, but I say let's wait for things to play out, because it could make for some interesting television. 

I also liked the latest vignette from the Wyatt Family. As far as teaser videos go I seriously think that this is up there with some of the best. As @BigEvil93 said last night during Raw, the Wyatt Family have that 'whole Southern Voodoo vibe' to them and these video perfectly show that. The videos themselves are also crisply edited, which helps make these guys look eerily different from everyone else on the roster. I really hope we get more vignettes like this. 

And so yeah, that was pretty much it as far as highlights go. The rest of the show really was either bring or meaningless... or both. Curtis Axel won yet again by count out, even though it was in a No DQ match. Chris Jericho and Paul Heyman signed the contract for Punk vs. Jericho at Payback, in what was a fine but uneventful segment. And while I don't like the argument that some wrestlers can be bullies (because let's face it, they're all dicks), Sheamus has shown some of the strangest babyface attributes in a very long time. 

Stray Observations:
  • I can't believe Kofi had Kingston last Thursday. His beatdown at the hands of Ryback was so bad he knocked him back 24 hours. 
  • Creative finally found a way to make The Uso's edgier; face paint. Genius. 
  • I know they wanted to show Vince's concern when he called Triple H 'Paul', but I don't know if it worked. When CM Punk said that in 2011 it was edgy, but when Vince says it they're ignoring all the other times Hunter Hearst Helmsley was regarded as Triple H's real name (Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, anyone?).

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