Sunday 15 July 2012

WWE Money In The Back 2012 Preview

If the short history of the Money in the Bank PPV has told us anything, its that this PPV is generally very entertaining. Yes, the show doesn't have as big a hype compared to the previous two. 2010 had the then exciting Nexus storyline and last year had the Summer of Punk, but let's not forget that those shows were helped by their exciting Money in the Bank Ladder matches.

This years Ladder matches, while not awfully strong, are still something to be fairly optimistic about. Over on Smackdown we have many young faces who I'm sure are very eager to impress such as Tyson Kidd, Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes. While over on Raw we have a match that may be a bit on the heavy side, but is at least not clustered with 8 or even 6 people.

We also have the ever consistent Sheamus in another title match and the final blow-off (I think) to the AJ/Punk/Bryan love triangle. As I said, it's quieter than previous years (last year especially), but its not all doom and gloom. In fact, I'll go as far to say that it'll be better than TNA's July PPV Destination X. Yes, I feel that the PPV that held host to exciting X-Division action and a memorable A Double title win will not be as good as tonight's show. I BANK on it.

Tag Team Championship
Kofi Kingston & R-Truth vs. Hunico & Camacho

While I like the idea of the pre-show on YouTube (I'll take anything that's even remotely similar to the glorious Sunday Night Heat), I still feel that it shouldn't contain a match for the Tag Team titles.

The titles may not have any prestige and may not have gotten any air time over the past couple of months, but it's hard to argue that it should be bumped off the show by either a Brodus Clay or Ryback squash match.

What made Attitude Era PPVs so fun to watch (at times) is that they were balanced. They had at least 2 tag team matches to even out the amount of singles bouts, yet these days there's not even one tag team match to watch. I guarantee anyone that tonight’s pre-show match will get more of a reaction from whatever squash match they put on.

Anyway, I'm sure the match will be fine. Although I still wonder why Hunico and Camacho got ahead of people like the Primtime Players. Maybe they're leaving that match for a place on the SummerSlam card? Yeah, probably not.

Winners: Kofi Kingston & R-Truth

Smackdown Money in the bank Ladder Match
So, now onto the actual show, which I just remembered only has 4 matches announced. Either all these matches will be exceptionally long or we're going to be greeted with lots, and lots of filler. Me, I'm guessing the latter.

This match will more than likely open the show, and really I have no problem with that. This will be a very good match to get people up off there seats and I'm sure it'll feature lots of good spots throughout.

People to watch out for will be Ziggler, Kidd and Rhodes who I'm sure will be relishing the opportunity to shine. I also expect Christian to be pretty solid, Santino to be afraid of heights or something, and Tensai and Sandow to be a bit lost altogether.

As for the winner, the obvious choices are Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes. But with Rhodes yet to get a clear title shot and a bit of momentum behind him I'm going with him to capture the briefcase.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

Raw Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Out of the four matches on the card, I expect this to be the worst out of them. While I like the idea of only having 4 guys in the match, it's never good when only one of those men are capable of putting on a good match. Chris Jericho really has his work cut out for him tonight as he has to make the other three men look good. Big Show will be slow and out to get John Cena, Kane will deliver a few Chokeslams on Ladders and John Cena will get beaten for most of the match, only to fight back and retrieve the red briefcase.

I really hope that this match does deliver, but it's hard to see where any of the exciting action will actually come from. Chris Jericho can only do much.
Winner: John Cena

World Heavyweight Championship
Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio

So, we're back we're we should have been at No Way Out last month – it's Sheamus defending his World Heavyweight title against Alberto Del Rio. 

While the feud itself has been fairly lacklustre in places, I've still quite enjoyed it. Del Rio has got his mean streak going on and as targeted Sheamus' shoulder, and I expect both of those to come into play tonight.

As I said during my latest Smackdown review, if Del Rio continues to attack Sheamus' shoulder, then we are in for an entertaining bout, because just like at Over The Limit, he can sell that injury like a champ. 

It's a clash of two different styles in many ways, but I expect both men to put on what will surely be a really solid match.

Winner: Sheamus

WWE Championship
CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan

We're here. We are finally here. Don't get me wrong, this storyline has been very entertaining but man, it has gone on long enough.

For the past two PPVs I predicted that Daniel Bryan would capture the WWE title, only to lose it to someone like Punk before SummerSlam. But, with SummerSlam next month I doubt we'll be seeing Daniel Bryan main event the show as WWE champion, so I'm going to go with Punk to retain the belt here once again.

The only thing that makes me sway towards a Daniel Bryan win is AJ's involvement in this match. I said for a long time that I though they'd go with AJ falling back into the arms of Daniel Bryan, but maybe they won't go with that ending after all.

AJ siding with Punk doesn't seem that plausible, so maybe she'll just call it right down the middle and ditch both men for good. Who knows. At the end of the day though, I'm still backing Punk to keep his gold and go into SummerSlam as the WWE champion.

Winner: CM Punk

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